Mohamed Hasan Mansour
Al-azhar University, Eygpt
Title: Microsurgical resection versus stereotactic guided ommaya reservoir drainage of cystic craniopharyngioma
Biography: Mohamed Hasan Mansour
Background: Craniopharyngioma is often associated with cystic components. Although these tumors are histologically benign, recurrence rates up to 57% have been reported even after surgical gross total resections, due to their invasiveness.
Objective: To compare the outcome of invasive and less invasive surgeries of cystic craniopharyngioma.
Methods: This study included 20 patients diagnosed and managed in Al-azhar university hospitals and Al-Mansoura university hospital between May 2015 and April 2017. 10 patients were treated by surgical modalities, 10 Patients were treated by a less invasive maneuver by superior fenestration and insertion of ommaya reservoir. The craniopharyngioma was predominately cystic.
Results: Ommaya reservoir insertion and drainage of cystic craniopharyngiomas is safe and effective for symptom relief and might be associated with a better outcome than microsurgical treatment.